01/ About Us
A Family-run Business,
making Welsh Cakes
with love.
Rogue Welsh Cakes may have been officially established in 2020 but the history of them goes way back to the 1990s - back when the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was on the telly, Macarena was top of the charts and an NHS Nurse struggled to bring up two children who didn’t like her homemade Welsh Cakes. She discovered the root of the problem was the currants (and maybe using the wrong flour that made them a bit dry, but she doesn't talk about that bit). She had the brainwave of replacing the currants with chocolate chips … and a mere 26 years later, a business was born.
The Rogue Welsh Cake Company was born in 2020. Thanks to the support and enthusiasm of our loyal fanbase, that begins locally at our markets and stretches as far as Australia (potentially the first time in history a welsh cake has flown that far!) We have been able to experiment with many different recipes and grow our family business from a small stall at a pop up farmers market, to a premises in Europe's biggest regeneration market, in Newport’s City centre.
02/ Our Ethos
We Source the finest Ingredients
Never compromising on quality, we use the finest ingredients in all of our Welsh Cakes and we don’t use any additives or preservatives. We use organic self-raising flour, proper butter, high quality Belgian chocolate, demerara sugar and free range eggs. What’s more, all of our Welsh Cakes are hand-made with a whole load of love and care.

Want to try them for yourself?
What are you waiting for?